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The Holy Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) 1400 years ago in Arabia.  Its revelation is the basis of the lives of 1.9 Billion Muslims throughout the world today.  The Holy Quran has played a central role in the formation of the Nation of Islam since 1930.  The Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated the following during the Theology of Time Lecture series in 1972, "For nearly 40 years I have studied scripture and history, after Allah taught me for three years and four months. He gave me 104 books to study. He gave me the number of them and the place where I could find them. I studied, and He gave me a Holy Qur’an in Arabic, but I couldn’t read it. So, He got me one in Arabic and English translated by Muhammad Ali of Pakistan. Later He found one translated by Yusuf Ali of Egypt; He brought me that one." "Then He told me, "I will give you a Holy Qur’an when you learn how to read Arabic, then I will give you a Holy Qur’an in Arabic. " He said, " I made it myself. " He showed me that Holy Qur’an in Arabic in September last but I couldn’t read it. I could only recognize one letter in it..."


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated in 1964, during the Buzz Anderson interviews,  that he was told by Allah (God) in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad that 2/3rds of the Holy Quran was for him and 1/3rd was for another man.  This 2/3rds and 1/3rd division of the Holy Quran relates to the portions revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) in Mecca (⅔) and Medina (⅓).  Separating these two phases of the revelation of the Holy Quran, was Prophet Muhammad’s successful escape from a deathplot against him and the early Muslim Community.  This is referred to as the “Hijra” or flight of Muhammad to Medina. 


 In 1974, Dr. Rashad Khalifa discovered using a computer program that there is a 19 based code in the Holy Quran.  This, along with recent discoveries reveal a hidden calendar system (years) within the Holy Quran.


This Book is dedicated to showing how all of the above relates to the formation and growth of the Nation of Islam in America and the World, including the work of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.


E-Book: Holy Quran & the Nation of Islam Revised Edition

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